X-Gamer Nutrition Facts (Complete)

X-Gamer is a powdered energy drink that increases your endurance and enhances your concentration while gaming.

Gaming presently requires a higher level of attention than ever before. Many well-known energy drink companies are attempting to profit from the situation.

X-Gamer is an energy “substitute” since it comes in a powder form that you may combine with drinks or any other liquid of your preference, unlike ready-to-drink traditional energy drinks.

What’s great about X-Gamer is that you won’t experience any sugar crashes after consuming it.

So, what are the nutritional statistics for X-Gamer?

In brief, X-Gamer is small in calories, fat, carbohydrates, and added sugar, as well as sodium. It also contains more than 27 minerals and vitamins.

In my view, X-Gamer excels in terms of nutrient contents and it is much healthy than many other energy supplements on the marketplace.

If you are in a rush, you could also watch this amazing video about X-Gamer powdered drinks.

X-Gamer or G Fuel?

If you want to understand more about X-Gamer dietary information, keep reading.

What is X-Gamer Energy Formula?

X-Gamer is a “flavorful, nutritious, and vitamin-packed power alternative designed for gamers,” per the official site.

It is unmistakably a more extreme version of everyday store-bought energy items such as energy drinks and shots.

The original package is comparable to the competing protein bodybuilding supplement used frequently by weightlifters and power coaches.

The item also comes in single-use packages which are very great for first-time consumers who want to try the product.

X-Gamer Nutritional Facts

Make it a habit to check the nutritional information of a product.

X-Gamer is a powdered supercharged energy drink. One serving is equal to one sachet of 10g. It is ideal for energy drink powder with a volume of 350 to 500 ml.

The nutritional components of X-Gamer are separated into two categories. The first category is essential nutritional components, whereas the second category is effective nutritional factors.

Check out the content table below for a clear and easier reference.

NutrientsPer 10g Serving
Caffeine200 mg
Calories129 calories
Added Sugar0.2 g
Sodium (Salt)0 g
Fat0.02 g
Protein0.7 g
Carbohydrates3 g
Nutritional Information for X-Gamer.

Calories in X-Gamer

One sachet or per 10g serving of X-Gamer contains 129 calories.

For your reference, the suggested caloric intake is 2000 calories per day for women and 2500 calories for men.

A single 10g sachet of X-Gamer could only make up around 4-5 percent of the required caloric intake per day. Calories are found in anything from carbohydrates to fats to proteins.

However, if you eat more calories than you expend, the extra calories are retained as fat.

Gamers, on the other hand, aren’t exactly known for being fitness freaks. Practically, via their digital avatars, kids may receive some physical exercise, as well as an excellent thumb workout.

X-Gamer’s Caffeine Content

Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant.

Caffeine is an essential component for individuals who operate under duress. It helps individuals stay awake for more extended periods.

Caffeine can increase our energy levels practically immediately. It also lowers stress and alleviates depressive symptoms.

This well-balanced dose of caffeine in X-Gamer will remain you focused, alert, and efficient. It will significantly improve your neurological performance. It may also help to alleviate tiredness and sleepiness.

Caffeine has certain health advantages when used in moderation. A healthful adult should not exceed 400 mg per day.

Because each sachet of X-Gamer has 200 milligrams of caffeine, it’s fair to state that one sachet per day is relatively safe. The best strategy is to limit yourself to one serving per day.

Caffeine overdose

Caffeine overdose may result in several adverse effects, including:

  • Restlessness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid/abnormal heart rhythm
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety

Caffeine tolerance differs for everyone, some people may be able to handle a high dosage of caffeine while others have slow caffeine metabolism. This all depends on age, weight as well as the overall state of health.

For people who are just starting to consume energy drinks, I suggest you start with lower caffeinated beverages before directly trying X-Gamer.

Meanwhile, aside from the issue of caffeine sensitivity, kids, expectant mothers, and people with existing medical problems should strictly avoid X-Gamer because they are more prone to experiencing symptoms of caffeine overdose.

Is X-Gamer sugar-free?

Sugar is the most dealbreaker when it comes to energy drinks.

YES. X-Gamer contains ZERO sugar. On top of that, it is known as a concentration and energy mixture that is both effective and productive.

To be specific, X-Gamer is a powdered energy drink mix that contains 27 Multivitamin complexes to help protect your body.

It’s also enriched with nootropics to sharpen the mind, and just 31 calories per 500ml serving and zero added sugar so you won’t feel any sugar crash.

X-Gamer’s Vitamins

Vitamins assist your system in growing and working properly.
Vitamins assist your system in growing and working properly.

Every 10g X-Gamer serving includes 3g of niacin. Among the 27 essential multivitamins mentioned are vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin B12.

This B-vitamin combination has been shown to improve brain function. These vitamins act as a super-booster of energy, mood, and reflexes combined with taurine and caffeine.

Vitamin C also has a beneficial effect on brain function and mood improvement.

Does X-Gamer contain fat?

X-Gamers includes 0.02 grams of unsaturated fat and 0 grams of saturated fatty acids.

The regular recommended consumption of fat ranges from 44 to 77 grams per person. The fat level in a 10g serving of X-Gamer is just 0.04 percent to 0.02 percent of your suggested daily consumption, depending on your weight.

So only based on this data we can conclude that X-Gamer is lower in fat, which indicates it will not have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing in any significant manner at all.

Furthermore, the kind of fat in X-Gamer is unsaturated fats, which are considered good fats instead of saturated fats, classified as harmful fats, as previously stated.

However, due to the low concentration of this ingredient in X-Gamers, it is unlikely to have a significant effect on your health, either positively or negatively.

Does X-Gamer contain sodium?

Sodium is an electrolyte as well as a mineral. It aids in the body's water and electrolyte balance.
Sodium is an electrolyte as well as a mineral that helps maintain the body’s water and electrolyte balance.

X-Gamer is entirely free of sodium.

It is unquestionably beneficial since our food already contains too much salt in our diets. As a consequence, we don’t have to worry about our power goods containing too much salt.

However, there is a reason why many energy items include salt, and therefore sugar as a consequence.

Most individuals (though not all) use energy drinks for physical exercise.This combination actually makes sense because energy drink mix with electrolytes compensates for the fluid loss during intense physical activity, such as running.

Even though gamers are not precisely running marathons, they tend to miss meals and consume less water due to the long gaming sessions, which may last up to five hours in length.

Thus, electrolytes will prevent them from suffering dehydration, which may manifest itself in the form of headaches, excessive thirst, and muscular cramps.

Is X-Gamer high in protein?

One serving of X-Gamer has just 0.7g of protein, a meager amount for a protein bar.

Most of this substance is found in the amino acids L-Tyrosine and L-Carnitine, essential for maintaining cognitive activity in the body.

On the other hand, the amino acids in this supplement are intended to enhance alertness rather than provide nourishment.

Is X-Gamer harmful to your health?

Without giving too much away, NO X-Gamer is certainly not harmful to you.

X-Gamer has 3 grams of carbohydrates and 0.2 grams of added sugar.

The suggested sugar consumption for grownups is 37.5g for males and 25g for females, thus this is a reasonably acceptable quantity for a single meal.

The sugar in X-Gamer will only provide 0.5 to 0.8 percent of your regular sugar requirements. All of this means that X-Gamer is not harmful to your health.

However, you should be aware of the caffeine level and limit yourself to no more than two servings each day, or perhaps one if you’re not accustomed to caffeine.

X-Gamer Ingredients List

Next to the nutritional information is a list of ingredients.

The ingredients of X-Gamer can be found at the bottom part of the sachet below the nutrition facts.

The following is a list of the substances included in X-Gamer Energy Drink:

  • Taurine
  • 27 essential vitamins
  • Caffeine
  • Monohydrate of dextrose
  • Citric acid
  • This complex contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12
  • Maltodextrin
  • Flavorings
  • Malic acid 
  • Ascorbic acid 
  • L-Carnitine
  • Sucralose
  • Colourings (E133, E162, E163, E102, E104, E129, E150a, E160a)
  • L-Tyrosine

Here is my other article on X-Gamer Ingredients that you might find helpful. Give it a read if you want to know the benefits as well as risks of each ingredient.

How many X-Gamer can you drink in a day?

X-Gamer contains 200 milligrams of caffeine per serving. A healthful adult should consume no more than 400mg of caffeine each day.

Caffeine is a common component in many energy drinks, including X-Gamer. X-Gamer includes 200milligrams of caffeine every 10g sachet.

The consumption of caffeine should not exceed 400 milligrams daily.

I wouldn’t recommend drinking more than two sachets each day unless you’re confident you won’t drink any other caffeinated liquids like coffee or tea.

To prevent overdosing or building a sensitivity to caffeine, limit yourself to just one, mainly if you don’t drink it often.

Is X-Gamer good for gaming?

X-Gamer may help you keep alert due to caffeine but I think practice will improve your response time and overall gaming faster than any supplement.

X-Gamer is a nutritional supplement with a concentration and powerful formula like G-fuel, which is designed to combat tiredness while also promising improved focus, more stamina, improved reflexes, and increased endurance.

Also, X-Gamer is an excellent low-calorie (31 kcal per serving) alternatives to energy drinks for keeping you up at night.

Is X-Gamer and G Fuel the same?

G Fuel and X-Gamer are two different brands. Both are powdered energy drinks but they have different caffeine levels, and ingredients.

However, X-gamer cannot be used as a straight substitute since the nutritional contents of the two products vary.

Here I have described the query below.

Nutritional ValueG Fuel PowderX-Gamer
Standard Serving(7g per serving)(10g per serving)
Energy25 Calories31 Calories
G Fuel and X-Gamer nutritional information at a glance.

Between the two, X-Gamer has the higher caffeine content, so if you’re looking for a stronger punch, X-Gamer is for you. However, if you want an energy drink packed with a lot of amino acids and supplements, I suggest you go for G Fuel.

Is it safe to drink X-Gamer every day?

It is safe to drink X-Gamer every day as long as you consume one serving a day. There’s also no issue if you’re on a diet because X-Gamer is a low-calorie drink with almost no calories to count.

As a result of its high caffeine concentration, one serving of X-Gamer every day is considered to be both acceptable and safe limit for regular consumption.

One serving of X-Gamer includes 200milligrams of caffeine, which is exactly half of the recommended daily intake of 400milligrams of caffeine.

Final Thought

According to the information available, X-Gamer meets all of the criteria for a healthy powdered drink. It is low in calories, fat, carbs. Aside from that, it has virtually no added sugar and sodium.

On the other hand, one issue I have with X-Gamer is that it does not provide information on the percent daily values (%DV) of the vitamins and minerals, which is a disadvantage because we can’t really say if it has enough to cause significant benefits to the body.

Despite this, this energy drink mix is very effective in improving concentration and enhancing gaming performance. Its active components also have a function in elevating your game to a higher degree of difficulty.

So whether you’re an ambitious gamer or are just getting started in competitive gaming, you may use X-Gamer to give yourself an advantage over your opponents.

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I like to write about energy drinks and play video games. I hope the information that I share on this website is useful for you.

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