Mixt vs. G-Fuel (Which Is Better?)

Different flavors of G Fuel
Mixt VS G-Fuel? Which is a better option?

Both Mixt and G-fuel are popular energy drink brands in powdered form. They both are quite famous among people, especially gamers and athletes.

These energy drink powders are known to provide you with a boost of energy and also improve your alertness, concentration, and endurance. Furthermore, they also boost your physical as well mental performance.

Moreover, these energy drinks are made for gamers and can help you during your gaming hours. Also, they contain essential vitamins and minerals which will keep you hydrated, so you won’t have to worry about getting dehydrated.

Now, on to the main question, since both of them are made for the same purpose, which is to boost energy, which one is a better choice?

In short, both energy drink powders are good and effective at their own place. However, I prefer, G-Fuel more as compared to Mixt because it has low caffeine content, zero sugar, and multiple essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids comparatively.

However, still not convinced about which energy drink powder you should choose? Then, don’t worry, as, in this article, I have made the side by side comparison of both energy drink powders, which will help you determine which one is best for you.

So, keep reading further.

What is Mixt Energy?

Mixt energy drink is a gaming supplement specially made to boost your energy levels during gaming. However, you can also use this energy drink as your go-to drink whenever you feel like you need a good burst of energy to wash the tiredness away.

Mxit is a gaming supplement.

Mixt energy drink is one of the most popular gaming supplements, which helps you keep energized for a longer period. Furthermore, Mixt energy drink contains 166 mg of caffeine in its formula, neither high nor low. So, this amount is perfect for boosting your energy levels.

Moreover, this energy drink is completely sugar and calorie-free, a plus point. Also, this energy drink contains a few vitamins that will keep you hydrated and refreshed. Since this energy drink does not have any negative health issues, you can easily consume this energy drink.

However, remember that this energy drink contains caffeine, which can be a little bit for some people; therefore, consuming it in excessive amounts can cause side effects. Let’s look at the pros and cons of both energy drinks.

Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of the Mixt energy drink.


  • Improves athletic performance
  • Decrease fatigue
  • Increase alertness level


  • Includes caffeine anhydrous
  • Can cause caffeine-related side effects
  • Dizziness
  • Heart Palpitation

What is G-Fuel?

G-fuel energy drink powder is also a gaming supplement made for boosting your energy levels. Also, this energy drink contains all the essential ingredients that will keep you energized as well as hydrated.

Is G-Fuel a good energy drink powder?

G-Fuel energy drink is a gaming supplement that provides you with an amazing burst of energy whenever you need it. This energy drink powder contains 150 mg of caffeine in its formula, which is a moderate amount compared to other energy drinks. Also, this energy drink is completely sugar-free.

The only setback of this energy drink powder is that it contains 25 calories, sometimes too much. But, if you consume this energy drink in moderate amounts, there is no need to worry about anything. Furthermore, this energy drink is packed with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and amino acids, which is perfect. It will not make you dehydrated and will also replenish all the body fluids you have lost due to heavy exercise or physical activity.

Moreover, this energy drink powder has a variety of delicious flavors so that you can choose according to what you prefer and like. Even though this energy drink does not contain any harmful effects, it can still cause some side effects if you consume them in excessive amounts. Let’s look at the pros and cons of both energy drinks.

Pros and Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of consuming G-Fuel in excessive amounts.


  • Low calorie
  • Increase focus
  • Increase metabolic rate
  • Tastes good
  • Clean stimulant


  • Allergic reactions
  • Artificial flavors and colors
  • Expensive
  • Irritation

Is Mixt Or G-Fuel a better option?

In my opinion, G-Fuel energy drink is a better option as compared to Mixt energy drink. The reason behind this is that G-Fuel contains moderate amount of caffeine, and all the essentia vitamins, minerals and amino acids in its formula. Whereas, Mixt has exccessive amount of caffeine and it also lacks vitamins and minerals. However, you can select any of the energy drink powder since both of them are good at their own place.

I have added a table below to show the major difference between energy drink powders.

Energy DrinksCaffeineCaloriesSugar
G Fuel150mg250g
Mixt Energy166mg00g
Here is the basic difference between both energy drink powders.

As you can see, the major difference between both of the energy drink powders is caffeine and calorie content. G-Fuel contains 150 mg of caffeine, whereas Mixt has 166 mg of caffeine, which is too much compared to other energy drinks.

Furthermore, Mixt energy drink is completely calorie-free, which is an excellent thing, especially when dieting. However, the G-fuel energy drink contains 25 calories which is not bad, but when consuming this energy drink, you have to monitor your calorie intake so that you won’t exceed the daily limit.

So, you can choose any of the energy drink powders according to your preference and choices. However, I still prefer G-Fuel due to its low caffeine content and other ingredients.

Want to know more about these energy drink powders? Then, check this video out.

Mixt VS G-Fuel. Which is the better option?

Now that you know the major difference between Mixt and G-fuel, let’s check their nutritional facts.

Nutritional Facts of Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Here are the supplement facts of Mixt energy drink powder.

I have added a table below containing nutritional facts of both energy drink powders, so you can easily determine which one is a better choice.

Nutrition FactsMIXT (3.25g per scoop)G Fuel (7g per sachet)
Calories025 calories
Caffeine Content166 mg150 mg
Sugar Content0g0g
Vitamin C       250 mg
Vitamin B38 mg45mg
Vitamin B68mg10mg
Vitamin B1216 mcg425 mcg
L Tyrosine830mg1.2g
Here is a quick comparison of the nutritional facts of both energy drinks.

After looking at the nutritional table, you can see that both energy drink contains almost the same amount of minerals, vitamins, and other ingredients. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of these supplement facts and compare them side by side.

Here are the nutritional facts of the G-Fuel energy drink.

Calorie content in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Mixt contains zero calories in its formula, whereas G-fuel has 25 calories per serving.

G-Fuel has an excessive amount of calories.

A calorie is a good source of energy we get from the food we consume and is very important for our body. Every human body requires fats, proteins, and carbohydrates which you get in the form of calories, to live a healthy and sustainable life.

However, excessive consumption of calories is not good for you and can cause various side effects. Therefore, you must consume calories within the recommended amount, which is 2000 to 2500 in a day.

Mixt energy drink contains zero calories in its formula, which is good, especially when losing some pounds and not needing those extra calories. However, G-Fuel energy drink powder contains 25 calories per serving which can be too much if you don’t keep your calorie intake in check.

Therefore, when consuming energy drinks, you must keep your daily calorie intake in check and avoid using them in excessive amounts. Here are some of the side effects of consuming calories in too much amount.

Side Effects

There are many side effects to consuming calories in high amounts. Here are some of them:

  • Development of obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis

Carbohydrates in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

G-Fuel energy drink contains 5 g of carbs whereas Mixt energy drink has none in its formula.

It would help if you consumed carbs within moderate amounts.

Carbohydrates are one of the forms of calories and are a good energy source. However, the excessive consumption of carbs can lead to side effects like weight gain.

However, when you do any physical activity, these carbs are dissolved from your body in the form of swear. So, if you are looking for something to boost your energy levels and keep you hydrated, you can opt for G-Fuel energy drink powder. However, if you are on a weight loss journey and do not need extra carbs, then Mixt is the right one for you.

But, remember, if you are opting for G-Fuel, try to consume it within a limited amount which is 40 to 60% calories from carbs, as suggested by Dietary Guidelines Association. This is because even though carbs are really important for us, their excessive consumption can lead to various side effects.

Let’s have a look at some of the side effects of carbohydrates.

Side Effects 

Here are the side effects of excessive consumption of carbohydrates:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Poor metabolic health
  • High blood sugar
  • Weight gain

Sugar in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Both Mixt and G-fuel energy drink powders contain zero sugar in their formula.

Both G-Fuel and Mixt have zero sugar.

Sugar is also a good source of energy. However, this source is temporary and can lead to sugar crashes after its aftermath is worn off. Furthermore, excessive sugar consumption can also lead to a spike in your blood pressure and weight gain.

Therefore, you must consume sugar in moderate amounts. So, even though both energy drinks are completely sugar-free, it is still important to keep your eye on their daily intake. Furthermore, excessive sugar consumption can also lead to various health issues.

Let’s have a look at the side effects of sugar.

Side Effects

Here are the side effects of consuming sugar in excessive amounts:

  • Headaches
  • Jitters
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Restlessness
  • Cravings
  • Weight gain
  • High blood sugar

Artificial Sweeteners in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Since both energy drinks are completely sugar-free, they use artificial sweeteners in their formula. The mixt energy drink has sucralose and acesulfame-k where as G-fuel has erythritol as well as acesulfame-k.

Both Mixt and G-Fuel energy drink powder use artificial sweeteners in their formula as the sugar substitute. These sweeteners are sweeter than sugar but do not contain any calories.

Furthermore, these sweeteners are healthy and FDA-approved. And, nowadays, many energy drinks are using artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar to add taste to their drink.

The sweeteners present in both energy drinks are sucralose, erythritol, and acesulfame-k. Sucralose and Acesulfame are almost the same sweeteners, 600 times sweeter than real sugar. At the same time, erythritol has 70% sweeter as compared to sugar.

Moreover, these sweeteners are safe to consume and do not contain any harmful effects. However, its excessive consumption can still lead to minor side effects.

Side Effects

Here are the side effects of artificial sweeteners:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Gastric problems
  • Inflammation
  • Obesity

Caffeine in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Mixt energy drink powder contains 166 mg of caffeine whereas G-Fuel has only 150 mg of caffeine in its formula.

You can boost your energy levels with the help of caffeine.

Caffeine is the natural energy-boosting ingredient present in plants, tea cacao powder, and coffee beans. Also, it helps increase your concentration levels and improve your cognitive skills.

As you can see, that G-Fuel energy drink contains 150 mg of caffeine in its formula, which is more than enough to keep you energized for a longer period. On the other hand, Mixt energy drink contains 166 mg of caffeine, which is too much and causes side effects if you consume it in excessive amounts.

Apart from this, it is also recommended that one consume caffeine in moderate amounts or within the 400mg limit, daily. This is because even if the energy drink is low in caffeine content, its excessive consumption can lead to caffeine overdose and other side effects.

Furthermore, everyone has a different metabolism, so your body’s caffeine reaction depends on your caffeine tolerance. So, before consuming an energy drink, it is important to know whether or not you are caffeine sensitive.

Let’s take a look at the side effects of excessive caffeine consumption.

Side Effects of Caffeine

Excessive consumption of caffeine might lead to the following health issues:

  • Dehydration
  • Shakiness
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia

Ingredients in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Now that you are aware of the differences in the nutritional facts of both energy drinks let’s look at some of their ingredients.

Vitamins in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

G-Fuel contains more vitamins as compared to Mixt energy drink powder.

I have added a table for you to show the difference between the vitamin content of both energy drinks.

Mixt EnergyG-Fuel
Vitamin C
Vitamin B6Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12Vitamin B12
Vitamin B3
Vitamin E
Here are the vitamins present in both energy drink powders.

Vitamins are beneficial for your health as they help in the body’s functioning and make your body cells stronger. Therefore, you should try to include vitamins in your daily life.

You can see that both energy drink powders contain almost the same amount of vitamins in their formula. G-Fuel has b-vitamins, vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin E in its formula, whereas Mixt only has vitamin B.

B-vitamins help boost your energy levels, wash all your tiredness away, and improve your cognitive and mental skills. Furthermore, Vitamin C makes the immune system stronger.

Besides, these other vitamins also provide you with loads of benefits. So, if you want an energy drink enriched with vitamins, I will advise that you opt for G-Fuel. However, Mixt energy drink powder is also a good choice to select this too.

Minerals in Mixt vs. G-Fuel

G-Fuel contains one mineral in its formula, whereas Mixt has none.

I have added a table below to show the difference in the mineral content of both energy drink powders.

Mixt EnergyG-Fuel
Here are the minerals present in both energy drinks.

Minerals are very important for the human body as they keep you hydrated and replenish all the lost body fluids from your body. As you can see, G-Fuel energy drink powder contains only one mineral in its formula, whereas Mixt has none, which is a drawback for me.

The mineral present in G-Fuel is sodium. Sodium helps make you thirsty, which makes you feel the need for water. This way, you remain hydrated as you drink water in loads of amounts.

In my opinion, G-Fuel is the better option than Mixt as it still contains some minerals in it, whereas Mixt does not even have one.

Flavors of Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Mixt energy drink contains nine different flavors whereas G-Fuel has 40 different delicious flavors.

As you can see, G-Fuel contains more variety of flavors than the Mixt energy drink, which is good because you can choose whatever flavor you like the most. Let’s check the flavors of both energy drinks.

G-Fuel Flavors

G-Fuel has 40 delicious flavors.

Tubs of G Fuel
Here are some of the G-Fuel flavors.
  • G Fuel PewDiePie
  • G Fuel Sour Blue Chug Rug
  • G Fuel Hype Sauce
  • G Fuel FaZeberry
  • G Fuel Tropical Rain
  • G Fuel Blue Ice
  • G Fuel Ragin’ Gummy Fish
  • G Fuel Snow Cone
  • G Fuel Bahama Mama
  • G Fuel Strawberry Banana
  • G Fuel Watermelon
  • G Fuel Rainbow Sherbet
  • G Fuel Strawberry Shortcake
  • G Fuel Battle Juice
  • G Fuel Sonic’s Peach Rings

Flavors of Mixt Energy

Mixt has nine different delicious flavors.

Here are the flavors of Mixt.

  • Fruit Punch
  • Watermelon Rush
  • Rainbow Candy
  • Sour Slurp
  • Starfruit Blast
  • Orange Sherbet
  • Grape Popsicle
  • Blue Raspberry
  • Fresh Lemonade

Price of Mixt vs. G-Fuel

Mixt energy drink is quite affordable as compared to G-Fuel energy drink.

I have added a table below that shows the difference in price between both energy drink powders.

Energy DrinkPriceNumber of Servings
Mixt Energy$29.9960
Here are the prices of both energy drinks.

Price is very important to look for whenever you purchase an energy drink. You can see that the Mixt energy drink is more affordable than the G-Fuel energy drink.

Both Mixt and G-Fuel energy drink comes in huge tubs. While Mixt energy drink costs around $29.99 for 60, G-Fuel provides you only 40 servings for $35.99. In my opinion, there is only a little bit of difference in the price of both energy drink powders. However, if you like Mixt energy drink and are happy with its ingredient, you can opt for it.

However, I prefer G-Fuel more because it has almost the same price as Mixt energy drink powder.

Where to Buy Mixt and G-Fuel?

Both Mixt and G-Fuel energy drink powders are available at online as well as offline stores.

I have added a table showing where you can purchase Mixt and G-Fuel energy drink powders.

G-Fuel Mixt Energy
G-Fuel official websiteMixt Energy official website
Here are the places from where you can purchase

As you all know, online shopping has become very popular nowadays, and people prefer to buy things by sitting in the comfort of their home rather than stepping outside.

Therefore, if you love to shop online, you will be delighted to know that both of the energy drinks are available online on different websites. Furthermore, these websites also offer various deals and discounts so you can avail of that too.

So, overall both energy drinks are available online as well as offline. Therefore, you can choose any options to purchase these energy drink powders. Want to know more about the places from where you can buy G-Fuel? Then check my article here.


So, overall in my opinion G-Fuel energy drink powder is the better option as compared to Mixt energy drink due to its caffeine content, ingredients, and variety of flavors. However, since both of them are good energy beverages you can opt for any.

Both energy drink powders are a great choice of energy drinks, and you can choose any of those. However, Mixt energy drink contains 166 mg of caffeine which can be excessive. So, if you are caffeine sensitive, then this energy drink powder is not for you.

On the other hand, G-Fuel energy drink powder contains 25 calories, which is too much, especially when you don’t monitor your daily calorie intake. So, if you want to lose weight or are generally avoiding calories, then this energy drink is not for you.

Overall, both energy drinks contain benefits of their own. So, it depends on you which energy drink powder you prefer the most.

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I like to write about energy drinks and play video games. I hope the information that I share on this website is useful for you.

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